Christianity Leadership

A blast from the past to those about to graduate…

I came across this while cleaning out some folders. Trying to practice what ProfHacker preaches when I stumbled into this letter aimed at 2007 graduates.

Kindergarten Graduation
Kindergarten Graduation

…This letter comes on the heels of the tragedy on the Virginia Tech campus. One young man, disturbed and motivated by evil, leveled incredible destruction and loss of life upon unsuspecting others. With Columbine,Pearl, and others similar incidents in our shared past, we sometimes struggle with the questions events like these bring to mind. “Could God have stopped this from happening?” “How can someone be so mean?” “Where is the goodness of God in this?” are all questions people, saved and lost, are asking and will continue to ask. Part of the opportunity of attending Southeastern FWB College is to dive deeply into the Scriptures. All the necessary wisdom of Solomon in the Proverbs, the practical worldview of Ecclesiastes, and the heartbreak of the Psalms is there for the eager student.



There certainly is and always has been a world with questions – hard questions. As you follow God’s will, make sure your training includes a Christian worldview that is dominated by the answers of the Holy Bible. As we acknowledge the hard questions that arise from these events, let us also remember another lesson these tragedies teach us. That lesson is about the power of the individual who is sold out to an objective. In the Virginia Tech horror, the objectives were evil and blatant hatred. However, there is a parallel truth for the child of God. D.L. Moody often recounted the challenge issued to him early in his life. “‘The world has yet to see what God can do with a man who is wholly dedicated and consecrated to him,’ and I would like to be that man.” So Moody set out to shake two continents for Christ.


Never underestimate what God can do through your life as you wholly give it to him…

That call is still going out today to the young and old, to the recently graduated and to those with no formal education – be “that” person for Christ.

By Rodney

I am happily married to Andrea and we have 2 beautiful children who look like their mother. Reilly and Allison.

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